Pilgrimage Tour
Legend and Mythology of Baba Amarnath

Legend and Mythology of Baba Amarnath

According to Amarnath Mahatamya, Lord Shiva is said to have narrated the story of the creation of universe and the secrets of immortality to Maa Parvati at Amarnath Cave. The story leading to this revelation is an interesting one and goes as follows. One day, Maa Parvati curiously questioned Lord Shiva about his Mund Mala (the beads of heads) and the reason he wears them. Lord Shiva replied that every time Maa Parvati reborns, he adds a head in his Mund Mala.

Lord Shiva Narrates 'Amar Katha' to Parvati

Confused upon hearing this, Maa Parvati enquired why is it that she dies and is destroyed every time while he (Lord Shiva) is immortal. Lord Shiva answered that it is because of Amar Katha.

Upon continuous urging from Maa Parvati, Lord Shiva decided to narrate the story (Amar Katha) to her.

He searched for a secluded place away from any for living beings so that no one would be able to listen to the story, and chose Amarnath Cave as an ideal place.

Lord Shiva sheds his possessions

On his way to Amarnath Cave, he left all his possessions at different places. He left his bull and transport Nandi at Pahalgam, his Moon placed at his hair at Chandanwari, his snake from the neck at the banks of Sheshnag, his son Ganesha at Mahagunas Parvat, and his five elements of air, water, earth, sky, and fire at Panjtarni.

Lord Shiva and Maa Parvati performed tandav and after entering Amarnath Cave, Lord Shiva sat on the deerskin and took a Samadhi. To completely ensure that no one heard the story, Lord Shiva created a Rudra named Kalagni. He ordered Kalagni to set fire around the cave in order to destroy everything living there. After that, he narrated the story to Maa Parvati.

Immortal pigeons in Amarnath Mandir

However, there was an egg under the deerskin in which Lord Shiva was sitting and it remained protected. A pair of pigeons hatched out of the eggs and were born immortal having listened to the Amar Katha. Even today, many pilgrims report seeing the pair of pigeons when they trek the arduous route to pay their obeisance before the ice Shiva Lingam at Amarnath.

Pilgrims visit Amarnath Gufa every year to offer prayers to the mystical ice Shivling and seek the blessings of Lord Shiva.

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