Pilgrimage Tour
Pahalgam – Amarnath Route

Pahalgam – Amarnath Route

Pahalgam - Amarnath route is the traditional route of the Amarnath Pilgrimage that has been followed by the pilgrims over the years. The distance between Jammu to Pahalgam can be covered by taxi or buses. These are available at Tourist Reception Centre J&K Govt, Raghunath Bazaar early in the morning. One can also reach Srinagar by air and then travel to Pahalgam by road.

Route: Jammu – Anantnag – Pahalgam – Chandanwari – Pissu Top – Sheshnag – Panchtarni – Holy Amarnath Cave

PahalgamThe distance from Srinagar to Pahalgam  is 88 km. This distance can be covered by car, bus or one can hire a taxi. Pahalgam is a small town situated on the banks of Lidder River, known all over the world for its unparallel beauty surrounded by high mountains. All essentials needed for the pilgrimage can be bought here. Good accommodation options are also available at Pahalgam. In addition to that, arrangements for stay and food are also made by the NGOs.

Chandanwari: The distance from Pahalgam to Chandanwari is 16km. The route is relatively good and can be covered by road transport also. Mini-buses are also available from Pahalgam to reach Chandanwari with trail running along the Lidder River. Pilgrims camp at Pahalgam or Chandanwari on the first night where food is also available.

Pissu Top: As the Amarnath ki Yatra proceeds further from Chandanwari, one has to climb a height to reach Pissu Top. Legend says that in order to be the first to reach for Lord Shiva, there was a war between Devas and Asuras. With the power of Shiva, Devas decimated the Asuras in such large numbers that the heap of their dead bodies resulted in this high mountain.

Sheshnag: On the second day, one has to partake in 12 km long trek to reach Sheshnag from Chandanwari via Pissu Top. The journey to Sheshnag follows steep inclines on the right bank of a cascading stream and wild scenery untouched by civilization. Pilgrims can take bath and get their fatigue alleviated at this beautiful and scenic place.

Panchtarni: Panchtarni is a very beautiful place in the feet of Mount Bhairav. From Sheshnag one has to climb steep height across Mahagunas Pass at 4,276 m (14,000 ft) for 5 km and then descend to the meadows of Panchtarni located at a height of 3,657 m. Pilgrims camp at Panchtarni on the third day of their pilgrimage. Due to high altitude, some pilgrims may experience difficulties due to low oxygen.

Amarnath Cave: The Holy shrine of Amarnath is only 6 km from Panchtarni. As there is no place to stay at Amarnath Shrine, pilgrims start for the shrine early morning. On the way to the holy cave, pilgrims come across the confluence of Amravati and Panchtarni. Some pilgrims take bath at Amravati near the holy cave to become pious before going for Darshan. One can return to Panchtarni well in time the same day or continue their journey and reach back Sheshnag by the same evening.

Other Route: ROUTE 2: Baltal – Amarnath Route

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Balkrishna Singh
Balkrishna Singh
2 years ago

After knowing the details of Amarnath caves feel very good.

Kanneveni Yadavaraju
Kanneveni Yadavaraju
1 year ago

Pahalgam is better route or balthal is better

Where to Stay

  • Hotels in Vrindavan
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