Pilgrimage Tour
Pilgrimage Tour

Akharas in Kumbh Mela

There are many Akharas in Kumbh Mela, Akhara is mainly a tented place where sadhus and sanyasees of a particular group gather and perform meditation and rituals.

During Kunbh Mela, the ceremonial procession of the Naga sanyasis believed to be an auspicious sight – has all the trappings of royalty. The Mahant is seated on a silver throne atop a caparisoned elephant. Below him are hundreds of Naga ascetics on foot, wielding lances, their naked bodies smeared with ash. Camels and Horses are also part of this procession which signifies the old Hindu organisation of the Chaturanga sena, or four-limbed army, moving towards the water of the Ganga.

Note: The following list of major Akharas is Kumb Mela.

Shaiv (monks) Akhara

Shri Panchayati Akhara Mahanirvani
Shri Panch Atal Akhara
Shri Panchayati Akhara Niranjani
Shri Taponidhi Shri Akhara arena arbitral
Shri Panchdasnaam Joona (Juna) Akhara
Shri Panchdasnaam Avahan Akhara
Shri Panchdasnaam Panchagni Akhara

Bairagi (Vaishnav) Akhara

1. Shri Nirvani aani Akhada
2. Shri Digambar aani Akhada
3. Shri Nimrohi aani Akhada

Akharas of Nirmal (Udaseen Akhara)

1. Shri Panchayati Udaseen Akhada
2. Shri Udasin Panchayati Naya Akhada
3. Shri Nirmal Panchayati Akhada

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